The MRO team consists of a
focussed group of royalty
specialists with extensive
backgrounds in investment
banking, corporate business
development and principal
royalty investment.
Our broader network of royalty
agents are located in the
following locations:
> Australia: Melbourne, Perth
> Canada: Toronto, Kingston
> Europe: London
> China: Shanghai
To contact one of our agents in the cities above, please email us at:
Key Advisers
MRO Australia
PO Box 5524
St Georges Terrace
Perth WA 6831
MRO Canada
945 Princess Street
Kingston ON K7K 6X3
BSc Hons (Geology) BComm (Economics) 20 years experience in commercial and exploration management roles with BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto, Randgold and Gold Fields, including significant negotiation & divestment of royalty agreements.
MEng (Mining) BComm (Acct/Finance) CPA, CA 15 years operational & financial experience as CFO of Candente Copper (Peru), Assistant Director of Operations and Country CFO at Vinmart and CuCo Resources (DRC) and senior financial roles at Earth Heat Resources & Ram Power (Latin America).
BSc Hons (Geology) BComm (Economics) 20 years experience in commercial and exploration management roles with BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto, Randgold and Gold Fields, including significant negotiation & divestment of royalty agreements.
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