What documentation is required to sell my royalty?
Mineral Royalties Online (MRO) is a specialist broker for mineral royalties. We run royalty sale processes both offline (conventional processes) and online (eAuctions) dependent on client needs.
MRO connects royalty buyers and sellers to facilitate efficient sales of mineral royalties through the following steps:
1) Request free royalty evaluation
2) Market to key global royalty buyers
3) Receive comparable bids
4) Receive benchmarking for bid assessment (>400 historical royalty deals analysed)
5) Complete sale of royalty
1) Subscribe to buyer network
2) Review royalties for sale
3) Submit bids
4) Complete purchase of royalty
FAQ - Seller
What type of royalties can I sell?
Mineral Royalties Online accepts any type of mineral royalty - all commodities, all stages of development and any location. Given the targeted nature of the MRO buyer database, we do not market non-mineral royalties (ie. royalties linked to other industries such as music rights).
How long does it take to sell my royalty?
MRO lists royalties for sale for a period of 2 - 4 months, providing royalty investors sufficient time to perform desktop due diligence on the underlying royalty-linked projects. At the end of this period, investors are required to submit offers for the royalty.
Once bids have been received and MRO has provided sellers with valuation benchmarking packs to assist their bid assessment, completion of the sale process can usually take 1 - 2 months (subject to completion of negotiations & execution of legal transfer documentation).
What We Do
Minimum required:
Royalty Agreement
(to confirm royalty ownership)
Optional (recommended):
Royalty project overview
Recent project information (exploration results, feasibility study,
relevant announcements)
Optional ('nice to haves'):
Background information on history of royalty creation
FAQ - Buyer
What happens after I sign up?
At Mineral Royalties Online, we pride ourselves on connecting bona fide buyers and sellers. Once you have registered your interest in buying royalties, our team will confirm your credentials and provide notification of your acceptance to the approved MRO buyer database.
Once accepted as an approved buyer, we will email you a secured link to the current royalties for sale. As new royalties are posted for sale on MRO, you will be notified via email.
What fees are charged on buying a royalty?
A one-off fixed % sales commission is charged at completion of each royalty sale. This commission is payable to MRO upon execution of royalty sale documentation.