On 21 April the New Professionals Network (NPN) branch of The AusIMM ran a charity event in Perth to increase awareness of depression and anxiety in the industry, and raise much-needed funds for Beyondblue. Mineral Royalties Online (MRO) was very proud to sponsor this important event. MRO is very passionate about the goals of both the NPN and the AusIMM more broadly.
Mineral Royalties Online
Global experts in selling mining royalties
How we can help you
Mineral Royalties Online (MRO) is a specialist broker for mineral royalties that connects royalty buyers and sellers to facilitate transparent & efficient transactions.
Our offering to royalty buyers & sellers is supported by three proprietary databases:
> Global mineral royalty database (>7,000 royalties)
> Historical royalty transaction database (>400 transactions analysed)
> Global mineral royalty buyer database
If you are interested in buying or selling a mineral royalty, contact us today for a free royalty evaluation below.
Your discovery, your royalty, your payday.